Planning Ahead

Is your record of creditable service complete?
Check with your retirement office to make sure that your record is complete. Make sure that we have a record of all your Massachusetts public service and military service.

Did you have other public service credits?
If you have retirement funds in another Massachusetts public system, tell your retirement office. The funds and service credits can be transferred to your current account. If you have withdrawn funds, you can arrange to buy back the service credits.

Do you have social security credits?
Check with the Social Security Office to determine what benefits you will receive. In many cases, public pension income causes a reduction in Social Security benefits. Make sure you determine how the Windfall Elimination Provision (The WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (The GPO) affect you.

Can you buy military service or previous public service?
Check with your retirement office to see if you qualify to purchase military service or service in a former job in the public sector. The Worcester Regional Retirement System requires a one-time lump sum payment for the purchase of service, so plan ahead.

Steps to Retirement - Checklist:

  • Request an estimate by phone, email or fill out this form 
  • Make an appointment for yourself and your spouse or trusted friend to come in to the WRRS office for retirement counseling

Bring your Estimate, birth certificate, marriage certificate, spouse’s birth certificate

  • Fill out the following paperwork

Application for Superannuation
Direct Deposit 

  • Receive your first check 8-12 weeks from your retirement date, retroactive to your retirement date

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